Patrick Kreutzer
Patrick Kreutzer, M. Sc.
Automatic Testing of Compilers
(Own Funds)
Term: since 01.01.2018
URL: for programming languages are very complex applications and their correctness is crucial: If a compiler is erroneous (i.e., if its behavior deviates from that defined by the language specification), it may generate wrong code or crash with an error message. Often, such errors are hard to detect or circumvent. Thus, users typically demand a bug-free compiler implementation.Unfortunately, research studies and online bug databases suggest that probably no real compiler is bug-free. Several research works therefore aim to improve the quality of compilers. Since the formal verification (i.e., a proof of a compiler's correctness) is often prohibited in practice, most of the recent works focus on techniques for extensively testing compilers in an automated way. For this purpose, the compiler under test is usually fed with a test program and its behavior (or that of the generated program) is checked: If the actual behavior does not match the expectation (e.g., if the compiler crashes when fed with a valid test program), a compiler bug has been found. If this testing process is to be carried out in a fully automated way, three main challenges arise:
- Where do the test programs come from that are fed into the compiler?
- What is the expected behavior of the compiler or its output program? How can one determine if the compiler worked correctly?
- How can test programs that indicate an error in the compiler be prepared to be most helpful in fixing the error in the compiler?
While the scientific literature proposes several approaches for dealing with the second challenge (which are also already established in practice), the automatic generation of random test programs still remains a challenge. If all parts of a compiler should be tested, the test programs have to conform to all rules of the respective programming language, i.e., they have to be syntactically and semantically correct (and thus compilable). Due to the large number of rules of "real" programming languages, the generation of such compilable programs is a non-trivial task. This is further complicated by the fact that the program generation has to be as efficient as possible: Research suggests that the efficiency of such an approach significantly impacts its effectivity -- in a practical scenario, a tool can only be used for detecting compiler bugs if it can generate many (and large) programs in short time.
The lack of an appropriate test program generator and the high costs associated with the development of such a tool often prevent the automatic testing of compilers in practice. Our research project therefore aims to reduce the effort for users to implement efficient program generators.
Large programs generated by efficient automatic generation of random test programs are difficult to use for debugging. Typically, only a small part of the program is the cause of the error, and as many other parts as possible must be automatically removed before the error can be corrected.
This so-called test case reduction also uses the solutions already mentioned for detecting the expected behavior so that a joint consideration makes sense.
Test case reduction is an essential component for automatically generated programs and should be designed to process error-triggering programs from all sources.Unfortunately, it is often unclear which of the various methods presented in the scientific literature is best suited to a particular situation. Additionally, test case reduction can be a time-consuming process. Our research project aims to create a significant collection of unreduced test cases and to use them to compare and improve existing procedures.
In 2018, we started the development of such a tool. As input, it requires a specification of a programming language's syntactic and semantic rules by means of an abstract attribute grammar. Such a grammar allows for a short notation of the rules on a high level of abstraction. Our newly devised algorithm then generates test programs that conform to all of the specified rules. It uses several novel technical ideas to reduce its expected runtime. This way, it can generate large sets of test programs in acceptable time, even when executed on a standard desktop computer. A first evaluation of our approach did not only show that it is efficient and effective, but also that it is versatile. Our approach detected several bugs in the C compilers gcc and clang (and achieved a bug detection rate which is comparable to that of a state-of-the-art C program generator from the literature) as well as multiple bugs in different SMT solvers. Some of the bugs that we detected were previously unknown to the respective developers.
In 2019, we implemented additional features for the definition of language specifications and improved the efficiency of our program generator. These two contributions considerably increased the throughput of our tool. By developing additional language specifications, we were also able to uncover bugs in compilers for the programming languages Lua and SQL. The results of our work led to a publication that we submitted at the end of 2019 (and which has been accepted by now). Besides the work on our program generator, we also began working on a test case reduction technique. It reduces the size of a randomly generated test program that triggers a compiler bug since this eases the search for the bug's root cause.
In 2020, we focussed on language-agnostic techniques for the automatic reduction of test programs. The scientific literature has proposed different reduction techniques, but since there is no conclusive comparison of these techniques yet, it is still unclear how efficient and effective the proposed techniques really are. We identified two main reasons for this, which also hamper the development and evaluation of new techniques. Firstly, the available implementations of the proposed reduction techniques use different implementation languages, program representations and input grammars. Therefore, a fair comparison of the proposed techniques is almost impossible with the available implementations. Secondly, there is no collection of (still unreduced) test programs that can be used for the evaluation of reduction techniques. As a result, the published techniques have only been evaluated with few test programs each, which compromises the significance of the published results. Furthermore, since some techniques have only been evaluated with test programs in a single programming language, it is still unclear how well these techniques generalize to other programming languages (i.e., how language-agnostic they really are). To close these gaps, we initiated the development of a framework that contains implementations of the most important reduction techniques and that enables a fair comparison of these techniques. In addition, we also started to work on a benchmark that already contains about 300 test programs in C and SMT-LIB 2 that trigger about 100 different bugs in real compilers. This benchmark not only enables conclusive comparisons of reduction techniques but also reduces the work for the evaluation of future techniques. Some first experiments already exposed that there is no reduction technique yet that performs best in all cases.
In this year, we also investigated how the random program generator that has been developed in the context of this research project can be extended to not only detect functional bugs but also performance problems in compilers. A new technique has been developed within a thesis that first generates a set of random test programs and then applies an optimization technique to gradually mutate these programs. The goal is to find programs for which the compiler under test has a considerably higher runtime than a reference implementation. First experiments have shown that this approach can indeed detect performance problems in compilers.
In 2021, we finished the implementation of the most important test case reduction techniques from the scientific literature as well as the construction of a benchmark for their evaluation. Building upon our framework and benchmark, we also conducted a quantitative comparison of the different techniques; to the best of our knowledge, this is by far the most extensive and conclusive comparison of the available reduction techniques to date. Our results show that there is no reduction technique yet that performs best in all cases. Furthermore, we detected that there are possible outliers for each technique, both in terms of efficiency (i.e., how quickly a reduction technique is able to reduce an input program) and effectiveness (i.e., how small the result of a reduction technique is). This indicates that there is still room for future work on test case reduction, and our results give some insights for the development of such future techniques. For example, we found that the hoisting of nodes in a program's syntax tree is mandatory for the generation of small results (i.e., to achieve a high effectiveness) and that an efficient procedure for handling list structures in the syntax tree is necessary. The results of our work led to a publication submitted and accepted in 2021.
In this year, we also investigated if and how the effectiveness of our program generator can be increased by considering the coverage of the input grammar during the generation. To this end and within a thesis, several context-free coverage metrics from the scientific literature have been adapted, implemented and evaluated. The results showed that the correlation between the coverage w.r.t. a context-free coverage metric and the ability to detect bugs in a compiler is rather limited. Therefore, more advanced coverage metrics that also consider context-sensitive, semantic properties should be evaluated in future work.
In 2022, we initiated the development of a new framework for the implementation of language-adapted reduction techniques. This framework introduces a novel domain-specific language (DSL) that allows the specification of reduction techniques in a simple and concise way. The framework and the developed DSL make is possible to easily adapt existing reduction techniques to the peculiarities and requirements of a specific programming language. It is our hope that such language-adapted reduction techniques can be even more efficient and effective than the existing, language-agnostic reduction techniques. In addition, the developed framework should also reduce the effort for the development of future reduction techniques; this way, our framework could make a valuable contribution to the research in this area.
In 2023, the focus of the research project was on list structures, which had already been briefly addressed in 2021:
Almost all methods investigated since 2021 group nodes in the syntax tree into lists in order to select only the necessary nodes from these lists using a list reduction. Our experiments have shown that in some cases 70% or more of the reduction time is spent on lists with more than 2 elements. These lists are relevant because there are several list reduction methods in the scientific literature, but they do not differ for lists with 2 or fewer elements. Since they take such a large fraction of time, we have worked on integrating these different list reduction methods into our implementations of the major reduction methods developed in 2020/2021. In addition to the methods found in the literature, we also considered methods that are only described on a website or whose source code is freely accessible.We also investigated how a list reduction can be interrupted at one point and resumed later. The idea was to reduce another list in the meantime, based on a prioritization, so that the list with the greater impact on the reduction always comes first. In some cases, the hoped-for speedup occurred, but questions remain that require further experiments with prioritizing reducers and interrupted list reduction methods.
In 2024, we successfully published the first results from the list reduction study: Replacing the list reductions can accelerate established reduction techniques by up to 74.7%. As expected, techniques that generate long lists benefit most from the change. We also found that the order of the list elements can save up to 44.1% of the runtime. But two aspects reduce the effectiveness of reordering:- The textual order in which the list elements are usually lined up is already quite a good order.
- The same aspects that make a list procedure fast make it less sensitive to the order.
In two final theses we investigated two more aspects:
- The tool developed from 2018 - 2021 for generating test programs uses the compiler under test only as a so-called “black box”, i.e., it generates programs without accessing any information from the tested compiler. The thesis used coverage information from the tested compiler to improve the generated programs.
- Caching the results of the reductions saves time, as the compiler under test does not need to re-execute reduction candidates. However, naive implementations of these caches become very large. In 2023, a special caching method was introduced that can reduce the size of the cache by about 90%. The thesis dealt with the fact that unfortunately the original caching method was not suitable for all the reduction methods in our framework.
Analysis of Code Repositories
(Own Funds)
Term: 01.01.2010 - 31.12.2023
URL: developers often modify their projects in a similar or repetitive way. The reasons for these changes include the adoption of a changed interface to a library, the correction of mistakes in functionally similar components, or the parallelization of sequential parts of a program. If developers have to perform the necessary changes on their own, the modifications can easily introduce errors, for example due to a missed change location. Therefore, an automatic technique is desireable that identifies similar changes and uses this knowledge to support developers with further modifications.Extraction of Code-Changes
In 2017, we developed a new code recommendation tool called ARES (Accurate REcommendation System). It creates more accurate recommendation compared to previous tools as its algorithms take care of code movements during pattern and recommendation creation. The foundation of ARES lies in the comparison of two versions of the same program. It extracts the changes between the two versions and creates patterns based on the changed methods. ARES uses these patterns to suggest similar changes for the source code of different programs automatically.
The extraction of code changes is based on trees. In 2016 we developed (and visibly published) a new tree-based algorithm (MTDIFF) that improves the accuracy of the change extraction.Symbolic Execution of Code-Fragments
In 2014 we developed a new symbolic code execution engine called SYFEX to determine the behavioral similarity of two code fragments. In this way we aim to improve the quality of the recommendations. Depending on the number and the generality of the patterns in the database, it is possible that without the new engine SIFE generates some unfitting recommendations. To present only the fitting recommendations to the developers, we compare the summary of the semantics/behavior of the recommendation with summary of the semantics/behavior of the database pattern. If both differ too severely, our tool drops the recommendation from the results. The distinctive features of SYFEX are its applicability to isolated code fragments and its automatic configuration that does not require any human interaction.
In 2015 SYFEX was refined and applied to code fragments from the repositories of different software projects. In 2016 we investigated to which extend SYFEX can be used to gauge the semantic similarity of submissions for a programming contest. In 2017 and 2018 we optimized the implementation of SYFEX. We also began collecting a data set of semantically similar methods from open source repositories. We published this data set in 2019.Techniques for symbolic execution use algorithms to check the satisfiability of logical/mathematical expressions in order to detect valid execution paths in a program. Usually, these algorithms account for a large part of the total runtime of a symbolic execution. To accelerate this satisfiability check, we experimented with a technique to replace complicated expressions with simpler equivalent expressions. These simpler expressions are obtained by using program synthesis. In the year 2020, we extended this program synthesis with a novel technique that can quickly detect whether a fixed set of operations can be used to construct an expression that is equivalent to the complicated expression. We published this approach in 2021 and were able to show that the technique can reduce the runtime of common program synthesizers by 33% on average. We subsequently extended this technique to other classes of program synthesis problems. In 2022, we performed a comprehensive evaluation of these extensions. This evaluation showed that these extensions similarly improve the runtime of program synthesizers on a larger class of program synthesis problems. We completed the work on unrealizability detectors for bit vector program synthesis in 2023 and described it in detail in a Dissertation.
Detection of Semantically Similar Code Fragments
SYFEX computes the semantic similarity of two code fragments. Therefore, it allows to identify pairs or groups of semantically similar code fragments (semantic clones). However, the high runtime of SYFEX (and similar tools) limit their applicability to larger software projects. In 2016, we started the development of a technique to accelerate the detection of semantically similar code fragments. The technique is based on so-called base comparators that compare two code fragments using a single criterion (e.g., the number of used control structures or the structure of the control flow graph) and that have a low runtime. These base comparators can be combined to form a hierarchy of comparators. To compute the semantic similarity of two code fragments as accurately as possible, we use genetic programming to search for hierarchies that approximate the similarity values as reported by SYFEX for a number of pairs of code fragments. A prototype implementation confirmed that the method is capable of detecting pairs of semantically similar code fragments.
We further improved the implementation of this approach in 2017 and 2018. Additionally, we focused on evaluating the approach with pairs of methods from software repositories and from programming exercises. Moreover, we created a data set of semantically similar methods from open-source software repositories that we published in 2019.
Techniques for symbolic execution rely on algorithms to detect the satisfiability of logic/mathematic expressions. These are used to detect whether an execution path in a program is feasible. The algorithms often use a large amount of the total computation time. To improve the speed of this satisfiability check, in the years 2019 and 2020 we experimented with a technique to replace complicated expressions with simpler expressions that have the same meaning. These simpler expressions result from the application of program synthesis. In 2020 we augmented the program synthesis with a novel approach to detect beforehand if some operations can form an expression with the same meaning as a more complicated expression.
Semantic Code Search
The functionality that has to be implemented during the development of a software product is often already available as part of program libraries. It is often advisable to reuse such an implementation instead of rewriting it, for example to reduce the effort for developing and testing the code.
To reuse an implementation that fits the purpose, developers have to find it first. To this end developers already use code search engines on a regular basis. State-of-the-art search engines work on a syntactic level, i.e., the user specifies some keywords or names of variables and methods that should be searched for. However, current approaches do not consider the semantics of the code that the user seeks. As a consequence, relevant but syntactically different implementations often remain undetected ("false negatives") or the results include syntactically similar but semantically irrelevant implementations ("false positives"). The search for code fragments on a semantic level is the subject of current research.
In 2017 we began the development of a new method for semantic code search. The user specifies the desired functionality in terms of input/output examples. A function synthesis algorithm from the literature is then used to create a method that implements the specified functionality as accurately as possible. Using our approach to detect similar code fragments, this synthesized method is then compared to the methods of program libraries to find semantically similar implementations. These implementations are then presented as search results to the user. A first evaluation of our prototypical implementation shows the feasibility and practicability of the approach.Clustering of Similar Code-Changes
To create generalized change patterns, it is necessary that the set of extracted code changes is split into subsets of changes that are similar to each other. In 2015 this detection of similar code changes was improved and resulted in a new tool, called C3. We developed and evaluated different metrics for a pairwise similarity comparison of the extracted code changes. Subsequently, we evaluated different clustering algorithms known from the literature and implemented new heuristics to automatically choose the respective parameters to replace the previous naive approach for the detection of similar code changes. This clearly improved the results compared to the previous approach, i.e., C3's new techniques detect more groups of similar changes that can be processed by SIFE to generate recommendations.
The aim of the second improvement is to automatically refine the resulting groups of similar code changes. For this purpose we evaluated several machine learning algorithms for outlier detection to remove those code changes that have been spuriously assigned to a group.
In 2016 we implemented a new similarity metric for the comparison of two code changes that essentially considers the textual difference between the changes (as generated, for example, by the Unix tool 'diff'). We published both a paper on C3 and the dataset (consisting of groups of similar changes) that we generated for the evaluation of our tool under an open-source license, see . This dataset can be used as a reference or as input data for future research. In addition, we prototypically extended C3 by techniques for an incremental similarity computation and clustering. This allows us to reuse results from previous runs and to only perform the absolutely necessary work whenever new code changes are added to a software archive.
Test Case Reduction: A Framework, Benchmark, and Comparative Study
International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2021) (Luxembourg (LU), 27.09.2021 - 01.10.2021)
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2021) 2021
DOI: 10.1109/ICSME52107.2021.00012
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Language-Agnostic Generation of Compilable Test Programs
International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2020) (Porto, 24.10.2020 - 28.10.2020)
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2020) 2020
DOI: 10.1109/ICST46399.2020.00015
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SeSaMe: A Data Set of Semantically Similar Java Methods
16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2019) (Montréal, QC, Kanada, 26.05.2019 - 27.05.2019)
In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2019), Piscataway, NJ, USA: 2019
DOI: 10.1109/MSR.2019.00079
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SeSaMe: A Data Set of Semantically Similar Java Methods [Data set]
Zenodo (2019)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2558377
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(online publication)
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FAU-Inf2/ARES: PhD Thesis Version
Zenodo (2018)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1183903
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(online publication)
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FAU-Inf2/cthree: PhD Thesis Version
Zenodo (2018)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1183902
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(online publication)
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More Accurate Recommendations for Method-Level Changes
11th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE2017) (Paderborn, 04.09.2017 - 08.09.2017)
In: Proceedings of 2017 11th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE2017), New York, NY, USA: 2017
DOI: 10.1145/3106237.3106276
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Automatic clustering of code changes
13th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2016) (Austin, TX, USA, 14.05.2016 - 15.05.2016)
In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR'16) 2016
DOI: 10.1145/2901739.2901749
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C++ Classes and Templates for OpenCL Kernels with PATOS
4th International Workshop on OpenCL (Wien, 19.04.2016 - 21.04.2016)
In: ACM (ed.): Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on OpenCL, New York, NY, USA: 2016
DOI: 10.1145/2909437.2909462
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Evaluierung von Verfahren zur Detektion von Gruppen ähnlicher Quelltext-Änderungen (Master thesis, 2015)
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Vectorization of Recursive Parallel Programs (Bachelor thesis, 2014)
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